The Outdoor Dream Foundation Georgia Turkey Hunt

The Outdoor Dream Foundation Georgia Turkey Hunt

What a Blessing!  We were blessed with a great ODF hunt in southern Georgia March 22-24th.  We had 5 ODF youth hunters.  The weather started off rough with rain and wind on Friday as everyone arrived.  Friday evening the weather started breaking.  We practiced shooting, had a great meal, fellowship, and made plans for the Saturday morning hunt.  Saturday morning brought beautiful weather and gobbling turkeys. Due to a family emergency one hunter had to leave early after our Saturday morning hunt.  We had two hunters shoot turkeys Saturday morning and one on Saturday evening leaving only one hunter without a turkey.  Sunday morning brought another morning of beautiful weather and gobbling turkeys.  The only hunter without a turkey after Saturday was blessed to fill his tag with a giant spurred turkey on Sunday morning.  The ODF hunts are always special to us here at Dead End.  Go check out The Outdoor Dream Foundation and get involved however you can contribute. 


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